Sedimentary Noise Album

Composed by Kadet, with Edward J. Avila and Gabriel Ente. Mastered by Kadet Kuhne.

Sedimentary Noise on Bandcamp

Sedimentary Noise is the soundtrack from the film “Sedimentary Noise,” directed by Kadet Kuhne, with rich textures, pulsating patterns, and granular detail generated by a combination of synths, no-input mixing, and sampled recordings.

Touching on the the power and limits of the will, and relationship of mind and body, “Sedimentary Noise” references Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days, in which the central character sinks deeper and deeper into a mound of earth. In Kadet’s film, the subject is being slowly buried in sand within a tall transparent cylinder, layer by layer, shielded from suffocation by a gas mask. As with Beckett’s character, there is an acceptance of this predicament – an allegory for the ways in which humans endure and persist through daily challenges, a mediated existence and the encroaching sands of time.

Photography by Mackenzie Mathis and Juvenal Cisneros. Album art by Louanne Ponder.